At this point, I think it is important to point out what it means to bring networking system into the Jerusalem area as a new layer of value set. One thing came to my mind was the movie 2001: Space Odyssey. The appearance of the stone tower - whatever you call it, created new sets of behavior, which can eventually viewed as a step of evolution. The tower, even though it does not have any function, somewhat refers to the technology assuming from the following sequence of tools and floating spaceship - and since we all know that this represent the technological evolution, i won't go into the details.
What I am trying to point out is that, by imposing the value that has nothing to do with current situation will be able to solve the problem and even create the foot step to go beyond the reality. It can be random system that drags the random attention and make them self organize. Or it can be some well designed system. The benefit of imposing networking system is that it can be both way - the well designed networking system will help people self organize.
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