Sunday, November 18, 2007

The exponential growth

After talking about the swarming of the tagging system, and interconnection of network - the strategy of the system growth need to be exponential.

Let's say two like minded individual - either me and you or somebody else who would start off from the instruction manual, make this device and attach it to the urban fabric of Jerusalem. There should be some way to make the system spread further than two people - either the function of system fits into cultural political or economical context and fulfills the needs and the system increase because of it is needed, or the device itself actually has duplicate function like virus.. like RepRap Project.

Saturday, November 17, 2007

Graffiti Ressearch Lab - A case study

Here's a group of people using the idea of graffiti + anonymity in digital context onto the urban fabric. The bottom image is a letter formed by array of LED lights attached to a border.

Friday, November 16, 2007

Hierarchy and Protocol

Protocol is a totalizing control apparatus that guides both the technical and political formation of computer networks, biological systems and other media. Put simply, protocols are all the conventional rules and standards that govern relationships within networks. Each nodes in the network act based upon the protocols embedded onto themselves. Once the protocol is ignored, it is impossible to maintain the network since the network is formed by nodes and connecting edges and the behavior of connection and communication is based upon the promised protocols.

In this way, the idea of hierarchy is replaced by the protocol. Instead of obeying one directional command, the organizational behavior of network is decided based upon the negotiated protocols. In that sense, the network as a system is more adaptable to the rapid change, since the behavior inside of the network is always negotiable. At the same time, it can be more effective, because the protocol is universal value and had to be followed to maintain the life of the network. Meanwhile, the idea of hierarchy is being challenged.

Protocol, the rule set of the network is either top down or bottom up organizational power. Yet, protocol and power are strongly related in a sense that the greater the network is, the stronger or the greater the number of control.

Then what would resistance in the network would look like? If there's control, there should be resistance, and the distributed networking system does not prevent the resistance. In the example of internet, the computer viruses or hacker communities can be viewed as a resistance for the status quo or continuation of the network.

However, if networks is not only technical, but also real-time, dynamic and living, then it would make sense to think that the resistance is also living, means that the intention or force of resistance can be adaptable as much as how network is.

The mixing between live control and resistance, the protocol and counter protocol mutate to achieve the state of bigger "hypertropic" state. The protocol itself, therefore, has to be flexible and robust, and need to be restarted often. In the end, the protocoligical control will substitute the idea of hierarchical control, and what matters is not only the protocol itself, but the effect created by the protocols.

Reference: Protocol, Control and Networks by Galloway and Thacker.

Thursday, November 15, 2007

Technology as a shared value

At this point, I think it is important to point out what it means to bring networking system into the Jerusalem area as a new layer of value set. One thing came to my mind was the movie 2001: Space Odyssey. The appearance of the stone tower - whatever you call it, created new sets of behavior, which can eventually viewed as a step of evolution. The tower, even though it does not have any function, somewhat refers to the technology assuming from the following sequence of tools and floating spaceship - and since we all know that this represent the technological evolution, i won't go into the details.

What I am trying to point out is that, by imposing the value that has nothing to do with current situation will be able to solve the problem and even create the foot step to go beyond the reality. It can be random system that drags the random attention and make them self organize. Or it can be some well designed system. The benefit of imposing networking system is that it can be both way - the well designed networking system will help people self organize.

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Anonymous Network - requirements

1. Target

The main target of the network is starting from East Jerusalem area to create the connection between East Jerusalem and West Bank. Bir Nabala Enclave or No Man's Land is one of the prospect starting point because it is so obvious that they are segregated or forbidden from the rest, and it will be obvious if they get the adversary attack.

2. Infrastructure

There are two different ideas.

First, what if the storage is literally on the wall and people need to access to the wall to store and retrieve the information. In that case, it will be really obvious that who is accessing to the information, and based upon how the system is being used, it will be easier for the authorities to take action upon it. Yet, if the system is guaranteed that there's no surveillance, and initiated by the authorities from both side, the areas around the system will be somewhat neutralized public space - like library, or considering the idea of anonymity and expressing the idea, maybe shooting range? Again, what is the intention of the system and who is driving it is important to be defined.

Second, what if the storage is a hand held device distributed by some kind of joint grass-root movement started from both side? In this case, my proposal is wireless mesh network that can be accessed by the device. The device is refurbished / recycled hand held devices like PDA or black berry. Since those devices are used for the networking, it won't take too much resource to refurbish them. In this case, there should be a manufacturer of the device, distribution system, the interface for the device and the radio transmitter for the network is needed.

3. The Outcome

What will the anonymous networking system in Jerusalem look like? How will it function? Is the networking system will really work as a communication channel to help both side understand each other, and also connected the divided communities to function better? Or is this will be appropriated by informational dark forces that seek anonymity for their own good?

Segregated Road

This is an article from NY Times, several months ago.

"Israel is constructing a road through the West Bank, east of Jerusalem, that will allow both Israelis and Palestinians to travel along it — separately.

There are two pairs of lanes, one for each tribe, separated by a tall wall of concrete patterned to look like Jerusalem stones, an effort at beautification indicating that the road is meant to be permanent. The Israeli side has various exits; the Palestinian side has few....."

Even the attempt of creating connection is already divided.

Tuesday, November 13, 2007


A 168KM long, concrete and wire section of the barrier separates the East Jerusalem from the rest of the West Bank. The Government of Israel states that the purpose of this barrier is to protect Israeli citizens from terrorists’ attacks, mostly in the form of suicide bombing. (Since 2000, there have been 18 suicide bombings in Jerusalem and a total of 158 people were killed as a result.)

It is still unclear that the building of the wall for the security reason can ever be justified since the borders drown by the existence of the wall is not based upon the agreement from two sides. The barrier only provides physical security for Israel by encircling their settlements to ensure the free, unimpeded access of Israeli settlers to Jerusalem. In the process of achieving the goal, the barrier sometimes cases or cut through Palestinian settlements – As a result, the Palestinian communities lost their access to the territories once closely related to their communities.

Asides from the violation of the international law, the existence of the wall creates very interesting effect between two different communities. Now, totally segregated from each other, Israelis have access to Jerusalem without any restriction, feeling safer than any other times. On the contrary, Palestinians lost direct access in between the rest of the West Bank and East Jerusalem.

These facts described above are the very reason of picking this area as the starting point for the Anonymous Networking System. By creating the anonymous communication channel on the wall, the divided communities find the way to reconnect to each other. People from West Bank can continue their education through the networking system. The commerce can be revitalize, and so on. The layer of the networking system imposed on top of the wall will blur the boundary and allow new possibilities in terms of communication and interaction in the area.

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Justification - Why Anonymity?

Are the religious, cultural historical propaganda still valuable? Or are they stuck in the emotional remnants? Is the idea of right or wrong still valid? Or is the idea of right or wrong substituted into the idea of priority?

Perhaps, the reason for the conflict can be justified, but no one can agree to the solution that ends the conflict. At the same time, the historical or religious values are losing its point in the other side of the world due to the technological advances. Most of them are more exposed to the information infrastructure – they communicate faster – new ideas come up every other second – instead of the value judgment over the idea that weather it’s right or wrong, the agents on the net collectively organize the structure to create priority. The structure of organization is not vertical hierarchy, but horizontally connected.

The physical segregation by the extreme security measures in the area causes the pockets of information that can’t flow – which leads to the discrepancy of information over same area. The possession of more or less information creates clear controlling hierarchy structure. The profiling system makes it harder for the freedom of expression. The communication hardly occurs in this discontinuous environment.

At the same time, the strict profiling policy makes it harder to achieve individual freedom. Based upon religion and nationality, the residence of the West Bank area are already tagged and categorized to be treated in certain way. Not only that, but also the fact that each side is segregated, yet bonding together within their own group based upon the imposed strong propaganda makes it impossible to have freedom of communication and expression.

It is true that the level of emergency and insecurity of the region requires the transparency from its members. However, are they ready for it? Isn't total transparency will cause another controlling measure that becomes restriction? Plus, if the transparency is not imposed fairly, it will only creates another vertical hierarchy in the region.

Instead of transparency, I want to propose anonymous network channel within the region that can go beyond the wall. The anonymous network channel will be designed to contribute to achieve equivalency of the information to the West Bank area. By not requiring individual profile data, it guarantees the freedom of expression and exchange of the information. At the same time, by storing the data from both side, the anonymous network somehow gains a role inside of the community as a new monument that does not carry any specific propaganda.

Friday, October 19, 2007

Invisible power and control

The cause of the conflict in Jerusalem is obvious, yet very complex – it is total mixture of the accumulated historical, religious and cultural conflict caused by different point of view. Because of the duration of the conflict and the historical contents of the cause of conflict, it is hard to trace back and make decision over who’s right and who’s wrong. Knowing that, the decision making or proposal of the solution is being avoided.

Between two polemic groups of Jerusalem and especially West Bank, the hierarchy of the power structure is pretty clear - One side has total control over the other. Yet, to avoid the responsibility of making smart decision over the problem, the controlling power decided to be invisible to the one they are controlling - to make sure that they guarantee the right to have separate political party and religious / cultural views. At the same time, to make clear that they have the control, layers of security policy are imposed over the social, cultural and infra - structure. The examples are the followings - barriers, checkpoints, ID.

As I posted below, at the terminal checkpoint, Israeli decided to hide behind the one-sided mirror. By being invisible, they are anonymous, but the power structure is clear. Barriers are another example of the effort being made to be invisible to the other side. The construction of the barriers are progressed rapidly in last two years, and almost near completion. The physical separation between east Jerusalem and West Bank, and Israeli vs. Palestinian area is now clear. However, the layout of the barrier is somewhat funny - the literal effort of creating the division between Israeli and Palestinian created the isolation of the city.

The different types of ID are another imposed security layer on top of the physical structure. The West Bank residents, Jerusalem Palestinians and Israeli have possess different types of ID that clarifies different types of personal profile, which eventually entitles them into different categories - means more or less control based upon who you are.

The checkpoints are the physical location where these control measures are enforced. The checkpoints are not necessarily high tech - they are haphazardly made physical structure, but the social impact of them are well designed. Checkpoints are the one that stops the movement inside of the West Bank area by forbidding the access to the Israeli reserved road that divides the towns from each other.

Saturday, October 13, 2007

Allenby Bridge Terminal - Anonynous Surveillence

The power structure of surveillance in the Israeli controlled territory of West Bank is reflecting the current situation between Israeli and Palestinians. To avoid the conflict yet to make the borderline between the one controls and the one being controlled, Israeli security force would be invisible to the Palestinians during their action.

According to the description in the Article X, Israeli security agents would be separated from travelers by one-way mirrors even though they are all over the terminal building. The travel documents of Palestinians were to be checked by an Israeli officer who also checks their identity indirectly in an invisible manner. (Eyal Weizman, Hollow Land)

Within the terminal, the Palestinian officers guide several security checks, but the overall provision is done by the Israeli securities behind the mirror. This is due to the Oslo Accords - Palestinians are still under Israeli security domination, but encouraged to believe their own political authority.

The one-way mirror represents the political gesture of Israeli security control in the west bank territory. To make sure that they are encouraging or not enforcing the political authority, but not to lose the territorial control, they choose to be invisible. Yet, they are still looking over what is happening inside, either to maintain overall control or protect themselves from the possibilities of the uprising terrorism / attack.

Palestinians are being observed by anonymous force. They are required to provide their personal profile to the anonymous security personnel. Are they even sure that the one who goes over their travel documents are human or monkey? With the one-way mirror, it is impossible.

Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Anonymity and mass crowd

To stop the Israeli attack in Gaza area, one of the interesting tactics from the Palestinian is building a human shield: gather together as a bigger crowd when the attack is about to happen. The crowd is a mixture of the militant leaders to school girls. The action of gathering as a mass crowd deterred several Israeli air force attack since it can cause civilian casualty. (BBC News)

For me, this is one of the example of the idea of anonymity in the context of Israel - Palestine conflict. By gathering as a one big crowd, individual profiles blend into a bigger entity, the Palestinians. It gets hard to recognize who is causing the trouble and who is innocent. The individual anonymity is achieved by this action, and eventually prevents the adversary attack.

In anonymous networking system, the nodes are grouped together to lower the possibility to find clear target. If the group is bigger, it is better. It is hard to find who is doing illegal activities in the group even though the activity is coming out of the group. It is also unfair to accuse whole group as guilty because innocent individuals are involved and it is not fair. Mostly, the effort to find the target goes back to zero. The Palestinian movement of gathering together as a mass crowd to stop the Israeli attack is the physical representation of this idea in different context.

Monday, October 8, 2007

More Anonymities

By not claiming their responsibility over the event of terror, the terrorist group can create the sense of horror to their target group, and avoid counter attack. 22.8 percent of Israeli - Palestinian terrorism occurred between 1994 to 1999 time period are anonymous.

Underground Economy
Most of the underground economy chooses to be anonymous to avoid taxation from the government. The market not only includes illegal commerce (i.g. drugs, prostitutions, firearms, copyrighted media, etc.) but also legal service because of the benefit of not paying tax. Cash is preferred in underground economy because it is not easy to track.

Suicide group
Anonymous suicide is recent social phenomenon in developed Asian countries. Mostly formed over the internet, the victims exchange their information while staying anonymous. By belonging to the crowd, the individual victims are less recognizable and gains more confidence for suicide. The anonymity prevents them to be found by authority before the occurrence of suicide, but also protect the privacy of the members and their social life while they stay alive.

Homeless are the one that are out of existing system. By being invisible to the system, they become anonymous to the society either voluntarily or involuntarily. By being out of system, homeless get out of the social responsibilities that are required from the location they reside.

Most Wanted
Most wanted fugitives from certain societies can be seen as physically anonymous because of their invisibility to the authority. By staying invisible and physically anonymous, they can delay the accusation from the authority while accomplishing their interests.

Pasquinade is an anonymous lampoon. It obtained double meaning when people started to post anonymous satire to criticize their unhappiness over pope or the government.

If formal art is the one that has clear profile, graffiti is a type of art that stays anonymous in a way. The observer of the graffiti does not get the formal presentation of the artist or art. The artist like Bansky or Invader are anonymous but created their presence by repeating the similar style of art and getting recognized.

First federalist paper
Federalist paper is one of the iconic example of anonymity. The paper was published anonymously to avoid political oppression. The influence of the federalist paper to the constitution made the anonymity to be guaranteed as citizen’s right.

Anonymous Voting
In democracy, the degree of being anonymous in the voting system is important to achieve the fairness.

Bansky and Invader | Cultural Anonymity

Unlike formal art, the street art scenes including graffiti is anonymous. While blended in the urban fabric, the street art approaches observer by being itself, only with its content without letting people know who is the artist. In case of Bansky and Invader, the repetition of the similar style created the strong identity for the art itself, again, without the emphasis on the author.

Profile Experiment | Tor

I downloaded and installed Tor, the anonymous networking program. Unlike other programs, Tor asks the minimum amount of personal information, since it is not important and necessary. The website says the individual usage of Tor is to avoid tracking system from the websites. It is quite different from my understanding of Freehaven, the precedent of Tor - According to my research, Freehaven requires to contribute storage space as a server to store the information. Maybe it is different when I run my own server.

One of the interesting feature in the software bundle is 'Tor Network Map', which shows the physical location of the servers on the global map. Again, I am not really sure how much of anonymity is achieved when the information of location is released, especially aided by graphics.

What I need to do to hide myself in the network is to figure out Hidden Service. Without that, even though Tor is running, I am not really using or participating inside of the network. This is the message I got.

I am still getting used to the interface. One of my concern is whether I can run a server from school network or not, since they are tracking my daily use of network.

Sunday, October 7, 2007

Some new thoughts

It is definitely getting harder and harder to get out of the system (i mean, mostly authoritarian system like politics and economics) because the survival of self is getting challenged. The movie code 46 shows the obvious comparison between being inside and outside of the system. Since it is more technology dominated society than even now, most of the individual profiles are kept in the record, and their traces are tracked. When an individual deny to provide the information to the system, he or she is losing the right to participate inside of the system.
The living outside of the system requires a person give up lots of things that a civilization offers. There is no production going on outside, means that there's no job. There's no protection or law. Most of the rule is based upon survival of each individual, but the self organization is not successful since most of them are pretty emotional. It can get tired and dangerous outside of the system.

What is the benefit of being outside, or invisible to the system? The control from the system requires its members to give up certain part of their freedom. Achieving pure freedom and free will is impossible. Here's the question then. What is priority of the value? The ability to achieve pure freedom under the challenged environment, or compromise some of the freedom to acquire the full access to the benefit from the system? Is anarchy a model that can substitute the idea of system?

The benefit of being out of system is though, than the system can be reanalyzed in a different perspective. If that perspective comes back to the existing system, it will recontextualize itself inside of the system....

I'd like to look into what it takes to be anonymous in the contemporary system, and what kind of surveillance is being developed. The idea of electronic transaction in the economic system, or machine tracking system in the process of productions are types of surveillance. On the other hand, people in different class of society, like most wanted from FBI or homeless people are voluntarily or involuntarily out of system, means that they are anonymous and invisible to the system. Is this idea can be represented in some way? Is this research going somewhere that actually requires design decision? I am not sure now but hopefully it works out. :)

Friday, October 5, 2007

Anonymous Network Casestudy 3 | Havenco.

Havenco is both physically and virtually off shore network. By locating its server in the Sealand, the self claimed sovereign state, the service can officially avoid physical adversary attack to the server, because the location itself does not comply with international law. The result of the service was however unsuccessful due to the failure of providing required infrastructure server for the service. At the same time, the service failed to gather enough clients. The idea of Havenco is one of the most close model of Crytonomicon, the famous novel by Neil Stephenson.

It is hard to say that Havenco is anonymous networking service, even though the spectrum of service guarantees the anonymity. Instead, Havenco made their presence invisible by placing themselves into a location that is out of the global system.

Anonymous Network Casestudy 2 | Freenet

The Freenet project is designed based upon the idea of adaptive network. The idea of adaptive network is inspired by the prehistoric navigation. Without locational information from the central authority, people in prehistoric era were geographically able to navigate by gathering information from what they encounter. Assuming the clarity of the information is relative to the proximity of the location, one can reach to the destination by gathering bits and bits of information as he or she gets closer to the destination. The same logic applies to the network, except we are getting closer to the piece of information.

In the adaptive network system, servers not only contain the information itself, but also contains information about other nodes. When a node gets a request for certain information it doesn't have, it will forward the request to the node that actually have that information. The whereabout of the information is then fed back to the system, so the whole system gets update. Moreover, the information itself gets stored in the node that received first request, so it doesn't have to forward the request to other node. This method eventually groups the node based upon similarity of the information.

When a node receive a request, it generates a data reply message contains desired data. If node does not have the data then it should forward the data request on to another node. A node also stores data ID, data replied and request failed history. If a data request is received from the ID that has been seen before, then a backtracking request failed message should be returned to the sender.

The information are removed based upon their usability. The least requested materials are the one that get removed first.

Anonymous Network Casestudy 1 | Free Haven

Free Haven consists of two different system - Publication system and communication channel. The publication system is a back end of communication channel. There are 3 agents in the publication system: author, publisher and reader. These agents are layered over the communication channel and communication with each other via addresses which are implemented as remailer reply blocks (remailer reply blocks: collection of encrypted routing instruction which serve as an address for a pseudonym on the network.)

Free Haven is based upon communities of servers called servnet. The servnet is formed based upon trust among the servers. Each server hosts data from the other server in exchange for the opportunity to store its own data in the network. The servers transfer data by trading storage space in its own. To store a data in the servnet, a server also need to contribute storage space for others.

Each server has a public key and one reply blocks. The documents are indexed by the hash of the public key from the key pair which was used to sign the shares of the document. To locate a server that contains certain document, readers need to generate their own key pair and remail reply block. The server broadcasts a request along with the readers' public key and the reply block.

The servers that receive the broadcast checks to see if it has any shares of the request. If it does, it encrypts each share using the public key posted by the reader enclosed in the request, then send the encrypted share through the remailer to the enclosed address.

The data are split into shares and stored on different servers. Publishers assign an expiration date to document when they are published; servers make a promise to keep their shares of a given document until its expiration date has reached. If a server drops data early, the trust level of the server decrease.

When storing the data, each server agrees to store data for the other servers without considering legal or moral issues.

Free Haven is precedent of Tor. The Tor system is well explained in its website. Click Here.

Most of this information is from the paper "The Free Haven Project: Distributed Anonymous Storage Service." The PDF file can be found here.

Wednesday, October 3, 2007

Anonymous network operation _ General

Here's the basic idea of anonymous network operation. Let's say, A wants to deliver the information to B. To stay anonymous, A let a delivery service X to deliver the information to B. X receives the information from A and delivers to B. However, X is not a simple trusted third party. X provides specific set of services that can protect anonymity. The anonymous networking system is equal to X.

In late 90s and early 2000, there were lots of research and effort to set up anonymous network. Some of them still exists and operate, and some of them are forced to stop their service. In this research, I looked into how these services operated to protect the leak of information. Even though the basic idea of operation is same, each networks are designed in different way.

I am also trying to find out who are using these network, and who are their adversary in more global scale. I am not sure how much of this information can be extracted.

Anonymity in the net

The federalist paper, published during the original constitutional debates, were published anonymously. Thomas Paine wrote "Common Sense" under pseudonym. In fact, being anonymous makes it possible to push the boundary of culture and politics to next level, which makes it possible for us to evolve.

So how does anonymity works in the network system? As I mentioned before, it seems kind of ironical to achieve anonymity in the networking society since the whole system is based upon connection and communication. Without knowing who and where, how do you even communicate?

Roger Dingleton, the system designer of Free Haven project, makes it clear that the perfect anonymity in the networking system is not only impossible to achieve but also useless. Instead, the anonymity is achieved by manipulating the existing idea of networking. To do that, it is important to identify the agents in the system, their path and possible attacking scenario. To make it clear, I want to mention that these factors are identified from the structure of information publishing system.

There are three possible agents in the system - author, publisher and reader. Author is the one who creates the information. Publisher is the one who place that information in the server space. Reader is the one who access to the information. The flow of the information is pretty uni-directional, and it is super easy to find where it is coming from and where it goes. To achieve the anonymity, it is necessary to complicate the flow of the information inside of the network.

In the network, author, publisher, server, docmument and query can be anonymous and different benefit can be achieved by making them anonymous. It is pretty straight forward to predict what is the benefit of making author and publisher to be anonymous. However, when their identity is revealed there's nowhere for them to get away from being anonymous. (I am assuming that author and publisher are accused purely by being anonymous regardless of their action.) Below are explanation for more complex anonymity.

Server anonymity : No server can be linked to a document. When the document is picked by adversary and author and publisher is given, the adversary is no closer to knowing which server or servers on the network actually possess the document.

Document anonymity : A server does not know which document is stored.

Query anonymity: A server does not know which document it is serving when satisfying server’s request.

What is interesting for me is that the disguise of the event of communication can get complex depends on what is anonymous. Even though the agent is specified, if the adversary can't identify what kind of information it is, how it is delivered, and where it is, it is hard to accuse the agents of the system.

I mentioned earlier that it is not necessary to achieve perfect anonymity inside of the networking system. In the end, the goal of being anonymous is to protect the agents in the network from outside recognition. At the same time, the network won't be able to function under perfect anonymity. Therefore, the networking environment rather tries to be pseudonymous instead of being anonymous. Unlike anonymity, which does not allow any link, pseudonymity enables different actions in the net. For example, the actions in the network allows pseudonym to acquire reputation which influences how much data a server can store and provide incentives based upon that. Yet pseudonymous system provide the protection of profile leak by not telling the true name and location of the agents, that can possibly lead to the real world accusation.

Free will

The wonderful world of invisible profile - anonymous network system

Individuals in a society are sometimes challenged when they express the point of view that does not comply with what general public believes in. However, it is also important, especially in terms of human right, that every individuals have right to say whatever they want - in other words, the freedom of speech need to be guaranteed, as long as it does not harm any other's right. It would be ideal when the right of personal freedom and necessity to restrict the freedom to avoid interrupting other's right somehow self organize without requiring the controlling measure from outside.

What about inside of the networking system? Since the communication is the most important factor, the users of the network system are required to have clear profile to achieve their goal. Without knowing who, where and what, there's no way to connect hundreds and thousands of users in the network. It is such an irony though, it is hard to maintain freedom of speech because it is so easy to track down the profile data of certain user. (ISP, IP address etc.) If certain user has different point of view that goes against public policy and expresses or behaves against it, the adversary of that user (usually authority) can track him or her down to enforce the law.

The idea of anonymity can be reconsidered in the networking system. To achieve the freedom of speech (that is the argument for the most anonymous system), the well designed anonymous networking system is necessary. Since the network system requires the origin and destination, most of the anonymous system have their unique design to achieve level of anonymity while delivering data from A to B

This section of the research looks into the idea of anonymity inside of the network, and how each system employed various system to protect the privacy.

Friday, September 28, 2007

Research Part1. Profile

We all know that the world is changing rapidly. A lot of people also already aware of the fact that information technology has to do a lot with the world changing. Where are we going to be in next 20 years? Can we even dare to make a model?

The MediaScapes studio I am in at Sci-arc is dealing with these topics to find out where are we now, and where can we go as a designer. Right now, I am doing the research about the idea of profile. I started from the very generic dictionary definition.

profile |ˈprōˌfīl| noun
1 an outline of something, esp. a person's face, as seen from one side : the man turned and she caught his profile. • a drawing or other representation of such an outline. • a vertical cross section of a structure • Geography an outline of part of the earth's surface, e.g., the course of a river, as seen in a vertical section. • Theater a flat piece of scenery or stage property that has been cut so as to form an outline or silhouette of an object. • a graphical or other representation of information relating to particular characteristics of something, recorded in quantified form • a short article giving a description of a person or organization, esp. a public figure
2 [in sing. ] the extent to which a person or organization attracts public notice or comment

Basically, the idea of profile is a representational sign of a certain idea or object. Why is it getting important? Partly, or mainly I think it has to do with the massive collection of information that is available to us. The technological advancement made it easier for people to store and trade their knowledge than any other time in our history. The intangibility of medium makes it more efficient to communicate with each other. Typing and clicking substituted writing and drawing. Video substituded verbal explanation. Ask your self. When was the last time writing a letter?

The faster communication results more information. And we have ability to store most of them. Just make them into 0 and 1 and store it into hard drive.

The produced and collected information covers almost all area of human and non human activities. Perhaps the idea more the better also has to do with this sea of information and networks.

Profile in the information age is a representational value of certain information. By having this representational value, information can be accessed and traded more efficiently. And the collection of the profile becomes sets of data, which become another information.

Ok.. I guess I am going around a circle now. So going back to the research. Looking in to this global phenomenon, my research especially pinpoints the idea and role of visible and invisible profiles. The visible profile branches into two section, voluntary and involuntary. In each area, I picked representational information model. The area of research mainly focus on the structure of each model and the way they make the profile working or not working.